- Die Website hat ein Update erhalten, um sie schneller und schöner zu machen.
- Jetzt unterstützt die Seite Structured Data und AMP für mehr Funktionen und sinnvollen Inhalt.
- In den nächsten Tagen starten YouTube-Videos zu rechtlichen Themen und möglicherweise auch Twitch-Streams.
Ok, they are not really “new clothes”, but rather “embellished clothes” 😉
After a few weeks of work, I was finally able to put the update of the firm’s website online today. Sure, there are still a few problems here and there, but hopefully I’ll be able to iron them out little by little.
The site should now not only be faster and prettier (even if you can always argue about things like design), but it now offers the technical basis to offer things like Structured Data, AMP, more features and meaningful content. The new news section should also be clearer by now.
With the update, I will also start with regular YouTube videos for various legal issues in the next few days and – depending on how much time my daily business and family leaves me – I will also become active on Twitch myself.
Of course I would be happy about feedback and criticism as well as about feedback on which topics first video would be desired.