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Why a handshake is not enough: “Professional contracts for start-ups”

Key Facts
  • Start-ups sollten nicht auf Handschlagvereinbarungen vertrauen, da sie erhebliche Risiken bergen.
  • Klare Verträge helfen, Konflikte zu vermeiden und schaffen Vertrauen zwischen den Parteien.
  • Ein guter Vertrag für Start-ups sollte wesentliche Elemente enthalten, um rechtliche Sicherheit zu gewährleisten.
  • Digitale Werkzeuge können die Erstellung von Verträgen vereinfachen und die Einhaltung von Gesetzen unterstützen.

In this video, lawyer Marian Härtel explains why start-ups in particular should not rely on handshake agreements and how important professional contracts are for the success of a company.
Content: – The risks of informal agreements in the startup environment – Why clear contracts prevent disputes and create trust – What core elements a good contract for startups should contain – How digital tools can make drafting contracts easier – Tips for legally compliant business relationships Learn why a solid legal foundation is crucial, especially for young companies, and how to avoid typical pitfalls.
The video offers practical insights and concrete recommendations for founders and start-up teams.
Whether you are just starting out or want to take your company to the next level, this video will help you to structure your business relationships in a professional and legally compliant manner.
You can find more information on this topic in our detailed blog article.  

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