Online retailer: information about warranty terms
A popular warning topic for online retailers, be it in their own online store or on trading platforms such as...
A popular warning topic for online retailers, be it in their own online store or on trading platforms such as...
Because I just stumbled across an imprint of a page and had to smile again, another post today at a...
Since I again advised a client last week on the subject of data protection in his online shop, the question...
Obligation to impress? For the occasion, it should be remembered once again that in the case of commercial use of...
As I have already written in various posts and on my information page, four basic rules should be observed when...
Time and again I see uncleanly formulated legal choice clauses in terms and conditions of online shops or other services....
The question of whether a website nowadays, at least if it processes customer data in any way, must be SSL-encrypted...
In the last blog articles I had written a few times regarding the separation of advertising and content, especially with...
So i.m. reached a potentially relevant verdict of the OLG Munich, because although it is based on the checkout page...
In the meantime, there is a few more information about the decision of the Court of Appeal (the Higher Regional...
By judgment of 18.01.2019, the 4th Chamber of Commercial Matters ruled that the sale of over-the-counter, pharmacy-based medicines via the...
In a judgment of the end of last year, the Landgericht Dortmund agreed with the unanimous case law of, for...
The Regional Court of Koblenz has issued a ruling on the mediation of lottery and similar services in Germany. If...
Influencer marketing is currently a hot topic again. This time it concerns Instagram influencer Vanessa Blumenthal, who continues to be...
For years I have worked with H&H Games Consulting GmbH, or now Esports Consulting GmbH, also in the field of...
In a recent judgment, the District Court of Munich prohibited Flixbus from charging separate fees for the use of "PayPal"...
The issue and case law are from last year, but there still seem to be sellers at Amazon who don't...
In the case of a gaming chair, the District Court of Frankfurt (Az.: 2-03 O 372/17) has decided that sending...
Complex Themam but relevant for game developers and many more The topic of geoblocking can be very complex in detail...
In recent weeks, I have received numerous inquiries regarding the imprint requirement for Twitch streamers and YouTubers. Therefore, I decided...
Introduction: The cloud revolution and its legal challenges Cloud computing has revolutionized the IT landscape and offers startups enormous opportunities...
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Investments in start-ups offer enormous opportunities for both investors and start-ups. They are the basis for growth, innovation and the...
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