- Die Universitätssportabteilung an der Leibniz Universität bietet erstmals e-Sport-Kurse an.
- Der Student Jannik Oppenborn gründete eine Gruppe für e-Sport-Enthusiasten.
- Jannik plant, Veranstaltungen zu organisieren, um die Community zu stärken.
The fact that the university sports department at Leibniz University has been offering two courses in e-sports for the first time since October is due in no small part to Jannik Oppenborn (22). The student teacher has founded a university group that advocates for the interests of e-sports enthusiasts. “E-sports is more than just gambling,” he says. But there is no real community or place to meet beyond the online world, he said. If the group continues to grow, Jannik would like to set up events himself. But first, he approached college sports.