- Ab etwa Frühjahr 2020 erhalten professionelle eSports-Spieler aus Drittländern vereinfachte Bedingungen für den Aufenthalt in Deutschland.
- Der Bundesrat hat entsprechende Änderungen der Beschäftigungsordnung genehmigt, die bereits im November beschlossen wurden.
- Wesentliche Anforderungen sind: Alter von mindestens 16 Jahren, ein Gehalt von mindestens 50% der Beitragsbemessungsgrenze.
- Die Änderungen treten voraussichtlich im März 2020 in Kraft, zusammen mit dem Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz.
The German esports visa is coming: From spring 2020, professional esports men from third countries will be subject to simplified conditions for permanent residence in the Federal Republic of Germany. Today, the Bundesrat approved the corresponding amendments to the Employment Ordinance, after the federal government had already passed the bill in November (see this post).
Section 22 is amended as follows:
(a) After point 4, the following point 5 shall be inserted:
“5. Persons who practice eSports professionally in the form of a competition between persons and whose use in German clubs or similar eSports institutions participate in competitions are intended
is when it
(a) have reached the age of 16;
b) the association or institution pays a gross salary that is at least 50 percent of the contribution assessment ceiling for statutory pension insurance, and
(c) the German governing body responsible for eSports confirms the professional practice of eSports and the exercise d’esports is of significant national or international importance.”
The revised Employment Ordinance will enter into force in conjunction with the Skilled Personnel Immigration Act, probably in March 2020.