So slowly the new law firm site is taking shape and I can also concretize what I plan to do with the site.
IT Media is intended to be a one-stop shop for those working in the IT and games industries, or in the field of social media. My goal is to
– Create a contact point for the latest news, both of a legal nature and concerning business development issues
– to create simple possibilities so that services can be used by me as a lawyer or by Esports Consulting GmbH.
To this end, I will gradually expand not only the store, but also use other possibilities and opportunities of digital communication. For example, there will soon be a way to post questions and offer compensation for answering them properly, there will also be the possibility to book a consultation via audio or video through the support chat. In this way, I can help quickly and without complications, as well as provide training for smaller teams, for example.
The goal is to fully leverage the strengths of digitization for my law firm activities as well, and thus for all communications.
There will be more information on this in the coming weeks. Feedback is of course always welcome!