- CEOTECC, unter der Leitung von Alexander Peters, nutzt aggressive Telemarketingstrategien, um Unternehmer in Abonnementfallen zu locken.
- Die Rechtmäßigkeit von Cold Calls und die Gültigkeit der angeblichen Verträge müssen rechtlich geprüft werden.
- Betroffene sollten schnell handeln und professionelle Hilfe suchen, um sich gegen die unfairen Praktiken von CEOTECC zu wehren.
As a lawyer who usually focuses on specific legal issues in the areas of IT law, copyright law and competition law, I usually devote my articles to specific legal topics. Today, however, I feel compelled to issue an urgent warning. The reason for this are three current cases in which my clients are facing lawsuits from CEOTECC, a company led by Alexander Peters. This situation is alarming as it reveals a pattern of unfair business practices that is of concern to all business operators. This article is therefore intended as a warning and guide for anyone who may be affected by CEOTECC’s questionable practices.
CEOTECC’s tactics: a trap by deception
CEOTECC uses aggressive telemarketing strategies to lure entrepreneurs into subscription traps. These unexpected calls, often referred to as cold calls, are designed to cause confusion and pressure the called party into supposedly signing a contract. The scam is always similar and follows a worrying pattern: the callers claim that a contract already exists or that there are significant disadvantages without a contract extension with CEOTECC, such as the loss of Google search rankings. These misleading claims are deliberately designed to build up pressure and push those called into a corner where they believe they have no choice but to agree.
These calls are often recorded without the prior consent of the called party. These records are later used as supposed evidence of the conclusion of a contract. This is a blatant disregard for the principles of fair trade and transparency. The people called are often caught off guard and are not aware that their answers to cleverly worded questions could be interpreted as consent to a contract. This approach by CEOTECC is not only ethically questionable, but also raises serious legal questions, particularly with regard to consent to the recording of conversations and the validity of the contracts thus concluded.
Legal challenges and defense strategies
CEOTECC’s approach raises serious legal questions that require special attention in the context of the German legal system. The focus is on the admissibility of the calls, the authorization of the alleged contact persons and the validity of the contract components. The practice of unsolicited telephone calls, known as cold calls, is a sensitive issue in Germany and is subject to specific legal conditions. There is also the question of whether the statements made by the called party during the call can be legally interpreted as consent to a contract, especially if they were obtained under misleading or deceptive circumstances.
It is of the utmost importance to act quickly and decisively against unjustified claims and legal action by CEOTECC, especially in the event of the threat of legal action. In many cases, it is possible to challenge and rescind the alleged contracts, especially if they are based on misleading information or unlawful business practices. Contestation can be based on various legal grounds, such as deception, error or inadmissible terms and conditions.
The exact procedure depends on the specific circumstances of the individual case. Each case requires an individual analysis in order to develop the best strategy. Although specialized legal advice can be helpful, it is not mandatory. As an experienced lawyer in the fields of IT law, copyright law and competition law, I offer the necessary expertise to support clients in such cases and effectively defend their rights.
Call to those affected: Get in touch!
If you have been contacted by CEOTECC and are now faced with unjustified claims or even lawsuits, do not hesitate to seek professional help. It is crucial that you defend yourself against these unfair business practices. Our law firm has extensive experience in dealing with such cases and is at your side to defend your rights and fend off unfair claims. Contact us immediately to receive comprehensive advice and plan the next steps together.
The methods used by CEOTECC and Alexander Peters are not only ethically questionable, but also raise serious legal issues. It is important that affected companies and individuals are aware that they are not alone and that there are effective ways to defend themselves. Our law firm is ready to support you and represent your interests in these difficult times.