- Die Kombination aus Rechtswissen, technischem Verständnis und über 20 Jahren Erfahrung in Vertrieb und Marketing macht mich einzigartig.
- Ich kann Unternehmen neben rechtlicher Unterstützung auch bei Wachstumsstrategien und Finanzakquise helfen.
- Meine Leidenschaft für Technologie und Computer Spiele ermöglicht es mir, moderne Lösungen effektiv zu beraten.
- Ich biete eine Kombination aus Rechtsberatung und praktischem Fachwissen für Unternehmen, die mehr als nur rechtliche Expertise benötigen.
One often hears the words that one should not praise oneself. But why not, if it is the truth? In turn, you often hear successful people say that you should highlight your advantages. Be that as it may. I am convinced that my advantages as a lawyer and consultant are quite unique. So you can talk about that too, as long as it’s not deceiving the potential clients.
As a lawyer, I am particularly strong because I can draw not only on my legal knowledge, but also on my passion for technology and my experience in sales and marketing. This combination makes me an ideal advisor for companies that not only need legal support, but also need help building and growing their business. With more than 20 years of experience in sales and marketing, I can help acquire financial resources and successfully develop the company. As a “nerd” and technology fan, I am also always up to date and can therefore advise companies on the introduction and use of the latest technologies. In sum, I am the ideal lawyer and consultant for such companies. Because many consultants can draw up contracts, but fewer lawyers really understand what the contracts are about. And even fewer colleagues are likely to have a genuine passion for the issues.
As a contract lawyer, I am therefore the ideal advisor for companies that need more than just legal expertise, but also value the fact that the partner at their side also has experience and knowledge of the matter they deal with every day. My technical understanding and passion for computer games, esports, blockchain and other modern technologies therefore make me an ideal consultant for companies operating in these fields.
In summary, as a lawyer and consultant, I offer a unique combination of legal knowledge, technical understanding and experience in sales and marketing in the said areas. I am happy to incorporate this experience into contracts and other legal advice.